In an Emergency...
In the event that you are advised by reception that we have no routine appointments available for the day and you believe that your condition or symptoms are of an URGENT nature, then please mention this to our reception staff.
They will ask you to outline what your concerns are and provide you with advice on what to do next. Our receptionists are not medically trained, however, they are able to identify under which circumstances it is likely that you will need to discus your case with the on-call doctor. If they are not sure, they will ask.
Everyday, we have a doctor on-call to deal with urgent issues . You will be provided with a telephone consultation initially and this may be followed by a face to face consultation or a home visit.
Please try not to use this facility as a means to get access to help for non-urgent issues once appointments have gone . At certain times of year, we are extremely busy and care may be delayed to those seriously ill because of patients insisting that they want help for non-urgent issues who have been subsequently added to the on-call doctor's list.
If you are a patient with a long term condition at high risk of a rapid deterioration in your health, you are likely to have been given an 'SOS' card to allow you priority access to a GP on the day . All patients with one of these cards have this recorded on their notes for reception to see when you ring. Please make our team aware that you carry one of these cards. Please remember, this card is only for the conditions stated and not for other routine care.